Your Full Service Ionic Clay Stabilization System
Canadian Office
Luxembourg Office
ClayLOK is committed to continous testing to keep improving our product and design. Constant review is being done with regards to strength testing, chemical review and analysis, longetivity of design, and as precise as evaluating the microscopic particles in the soil. We are always looking for ways to innovate.
Laboratory Compaction Characteristics
Standard laboratoring compaction charecteristics were performed on both a treated sample and untreated sample in accordance with ASTM procedures. The following steps were followed:
Soil was thouroughly mixed and seperated into two samples - one for treated and one for untreaed
Soil is added to the 6-in mold in 3-in lifts
Soil was added at the optimum moisture content for compaction for both the treated and untreated sample
Each 3-in lift is compacted 56 times with a standard manual rammer
The soil was removed from the mold and were given 7 days to cure
Further strength analysis testing is being performed on the samples and results will be posted shortly.
Same Soil.
Same Procedure.
Same Moisture Content.
Different Results.
Field Testing: Dual Cone Penetrometer
The Dual Cone Penetrometer tests relates the number of blows and penetration depth to determine the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the surface. Dual Cone Penetrometer testing is done before and after every CLK installation to ensure that quality surfaces are built to last. Dual Cone Penetrometer test results are included in the quaility control package, and can be performed at a specific location per client's request.